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Welcome to Yi.kigai

Mission: A space to explore the intersection between faith and daily life

so that

we may return back to God, put trust in God, and give thanks to God daily.

​使命: 歸向主、信靠主、感謝主

Yi.Kigai originates from the Japanese concept of Ikigai or 生き甲斐 -

a compound of two Japanese words: iki, which means to live and gai, which means effectiveness.

It is my prayer that, together, through the shared messages, devotions, and reflections, we will explore what it means to be a follower and disciple of Jesus Christ and how we can live an impactful and graced lifestyle as God's stewards.

Weekly Posts

Each posting will focus on a Bible verse from the scriptures within the current church season.

Let us explore the intersection between faith and daily life by clicking below!

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